Services Description
Burial Service
In 1905 Anjuman Mufidul Islam started its noble Journey in Kolkata in British India through the burial service of unclaimed dead bodies. After partition in 1947 Anjuman Mufidul Islam opened a branch in Dhaka. From 1950 the branch started operation independently. Anjuman Mufidul Islam Dhaka is now a diversified social welfare organisation.
Unclaimed dead bodies are collected from various police stations and hospital morgues after receiving request from their authorities. Our people and vehicle reach to the place with kafon cloth, soap, rose water and other necessary items for burial. Observing all legal formalities they receive dead bodies and carry them to the nearby graveyard of city corporations. Observing necessary rituals they burry the dead bodies with the help of city corporation staff there.
321, Uttar Mugdapara Dhaka-1214.
Tel: +88 027274435, +88 027272705
Email: [email protected]